President's Reports
President's Report 2023
This past year PEI Mutual has continued to be extremely busy, partly due to the lingering impact of Hurricane Fiona in 2022, as well as undergoing some key operational transitions as we evolve to meet the needs of the rapidly changing marketplace. I'd like to thank everyone involved in making this year a success - the head office team, as well as our team members who work outside the office, serving members directly within our Island communities. Everyone is very committed trying to help policyholders.
Thank you to the Board of Directors across the Island for representing policyholders, and for being involved in the debates and decisions on policies and changes within the company, that all help to make the company stronger.
We were pleased to welcome Andrea MacPherson as Director for zone 4 in May of 2023. Her voice has been an excellent addition around the Board table.
With everyone's commitment and work efficiency, PEI Mutual has had a profitable year and we're pleased to continue providing an 18% Mutual rebate at policy renewal time. Our team strives to provide the highest degree of value to our policyholders, and we give back to our Island community.
Brian MacKinley,
President's Report 2019
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I am pleased to report that we had another successful year. Premiums were up by $2.2 million and over 1,200 new policies were added to our book of business.
This increase and the addition to our surplus in 2019 allows PEI Mutual, the only Island owned insurance company, to surpass our minimum requirements of the P.E.I. Insurance Act.
Our operating expense ratio continues to be on the low side of our expectations, coming in at 31.5%. This is due to our hardworking staff, management and agency force which together keep our costs in line.
While we did have a sound year financially we were also exposed to the largest single one time loss in our Company?s history. Hurricane Dorian blew through in a day and left a large path of destruction in its wake. The Company had to handle and process over 2,000 claims with a total estimated loss at the end of 2019 at about $8 million, including twelve large hurricane losses, each over $50,000.
Thankfully, our Catastrophe Treaty with Farm Mutual Re (FMRe), our reinsurer, provided coverage for financial exposure in excess of $1.65 million. Fire continues to be our largest primary loss again this year with a total loss of $ 5.9 million. Once again, electrical systems cause a high percentage of these losses.
On a more positive note, we would like to advise that we will again this year offer a 10% mutual rebate, which will be credited to your premium at time of renewal.
I would like to remind all of our policyholders that P.E.I. Mutual is the only Island owned insurance company on PEI and because of that, the staff, agents, management and directors take great pride in striving to keep this 135 year old company successful.
Jim Doyle,
General Manager's Report 2018
To our nearly 28,000 Policyholder Members of PEI Mutual it has been a great privilege to work with our personnel who continually dedicate themselves to provide you with exceptional service. We have 16 Service Agents who live and work in the communities they serve. Our Staff of 31 serve our policyholders and support our field Service Agents from head office in Summerside. Our Board of Directors sets policy on behalf of our Members and is comprised of 9 people from across Prince Edward Island who each have experience in the Island’s Primary Industries.
2018 Financial Experience
In 2018 claims activity increased by 54% as compared to the prior 10 year average. This was primarily due to successive weather events toward the latter part of the year. We were pleased to be able to help many families who suffered losses during these times. While our expenses remained relatively stable the increased claims costs resulted in an underwriting loss by year end.
The Company’s surplus is maintained to meet commitments to our policyholder / members. Investments are managed prudently to preserve capital while maximizing income. At year end 82% of our investments were held in secure fixed income products while the balance 18% was held in common stocks issued by companies with positive longer term outlooks.
Effective January 2018 we adopted a new financial reporting standard (IFRS 9) bringing greater clarity to the evaluation of our Investment Portfolio. We no longer apply judgement on the permanent impairment of equities at year end. The change in values as at December 31st are now reflected directly in net income. Market volatility at the end of year is reflected in our 2018 investment income. We continue to see a longer term trend toward low yields in the fixed income markets.
Mutual Rebate
We strive to offer our Members affordable products that reflect the cost of providing insurance services. As part of our fair pricing policies our Board of Directors annually assesses the Company’s ability to provide a Mutual Rebate to its Members. We are pleased to advise that following the 2018 financial results our Board of Directors has approved a Mutual Rebate that will represent a 10% reduction of renewal premiums effective May 1, 2019 to April 30, 2020.
Strategic Planning
Our Board of Directors approved a Strategic Planning initiative to set our course for the next 3 years. The planning process was completed in September 2018 after engaging with our Staff, Agents and Directors.
As part of the planning process we developed our first Vision, Mission and Values Statements. These can be found on our website. Five strategic priorities emerged from the process focusing on Responsiveness to our Members, Our People and Culture, Technology, Processes and Efficiencies, Visibility in the Community and Stewardship.
I am pleased to say that our personnel are focused and engaged in making good progress on the many initiatives that will serve the Company well.
In closing I would like to say thank you to our Board of Directors lead by Chair Claude Dorgan, our Chief Financial Officer Rudy Smith, our Staff and Agents who are all dedicated to member service and the long term prosperity of the Company. Most importantly I thank you, our Members, who have chosen PEI Mutual to be your insurance provider.
Blair Campbell,
CEO / General Manager
General Manager's Report 2017
To the Policyholder / Members of PEI Mutual it has been a pleasure to serve in my new role as CEO & General Manager. I have been blessed to work with such talented and engaged people in our Staff, Service Agents and Board of Directors. We continually keep the best interests of our Members in mind as we do our work for you.
Growing our Staff and Transitions
We have completed a year of transition with retirements of longstanding staff, hiring of new staff and transfers within.
Notably we said farewell this year to our CEO Terry Shea, Service Agent Tom Kickham and Safety Surveyor Franklin Sanderson, who each had more than 30 years of dedicated service with the company. We welcomed new field Service Agents Thomas Clark (Brackley), Lisa Roche (Lower Montague), and Gary Sheehan (Rollo Bay). We also hired our new Manager of Claims Services Josh Toombs and Safety Surveyor Gary Bryson. In addition we added 5 new personnel within our office. Our staffing compliment has increased to 29 staff at head office and 16 field Service Agents who live and work in their areas.
I would like to thank the Board of Directors who supported the hiring processes in the interests of service excellence for our growing Policyholder / Membership base. To our Staff and Agents you deserve much credit for your support in ensuring that all transitions have gone smoothly. We make an excellent team!
Strategic Planning
A major initiative for the Board of Directors this year has been to renew the path forward in a Strategic Planning process. The theme is "Looking Forward for our Members". We began the process in 2017 and are enthusiastically engaging with all personnel to chart our priorities for the next 3 years.
Excellent Financial Results
PEI Mutual has experienced excellent financial results in 2017. This was due to reduced net claims experience, a stable expense ratio, and positive overall returns on investments. While our members experienced some significant losses, these have been offset by reinsurance arrangements with Farm Mutual Re that are designed to smooth out our longer term claims experience.
Eighty three percent (83%) of the company’s surplus is held in secure bonds where we have been in a lower yield environment. Equity or common stock investments represent seventeen percent (17%) of surplus. Our common stocks have provided good returns. They are held in relatively stable companies with positive longer term outlooks however they can be subject to greater market volatility than bonds.
I would like to say a special thank you to Rudy Smith our Chief Financial Officer who has provided the Board and me with excellent financial support and guidance.
Mutual Rebates
Policyholders of PEI Mutual share a special relationship as Members of the Company. Due to our shared financial success in 2017, Members of the company will receive approximately $4,800,000 in Mutual Rebates that have been declared by the Board of Directors. A Special Mutual Rebate representing 10% of premiums will be paid to all members, as at December 31, 2017, in the form of a cheque. In Addition 10% will be deducted from your 2018 renewal premiums.
This is Mutuality at its best. We strive to provide fair pricing for insurance products and when financial results allow we are able to provide Rebates to our Members.
Thank you for choosing PEI Mutual as your insurance provider.
Blair Campbell,
General Manager / CEO
President's Report 2016
Your company, PEI Mutual Insurance, had a good year in 2016. It was the first year in the last 4 with an underwriting profit. This was due to a good continued growth rate and a significant reduction in claims. As well, our investment portfolio did quite well which added to our profit.Because of this, our 10% mutual rebate will continue for another year.
Early in my term as President, our manager Terry Shea announced to the board that he will retire in May 2017. Terry is in his 33rd year as a PEI Mutual employee which is a remarkable time to be employed with one company. He has served very capably as our CEO for over 16 years since March 2001, and the company has achieved significant accomplishments under his leadership.
Your board began in June 2016, a process to hire an individual to become our new CEO in June 2017. We engaged the services of Island Recruiting from Charlottetown to assist us with this task. I would like to acknowledge and thank Jenn Cole for her ongoing assistance with this very important company project.
PEI Mutual Insurance is a member of the Canadian Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (CAMIC) that co-ordinates an annual lobby day in Ottawa. For a number of years now, representatives from your company have attended this event to meet with Members of Parliament and Senators from across Canada. This year our focus was an attempt to influence changes to the Canadian tax system which, if implemented, will create tax savings for Canadian Mutual Insurance companies. This will help us to remain competitive with larger insurance companies.
PEI Mutual had many happy times during the past year, but unfortunately some of our mutual staff had family illness and bereavement to deal with. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during these difficult times.
Again it has been a privilege to serve as President of this company which is now over 131 years old. It has been a very busy term, but I have enjoyed it. Thank you to the management team, staff, and agents who all help to make this company special. Thank you also to my fellow directors for all their support and advice.
Stewart MacRae,
President's Report 2015
We will remember the winter of 2015 for some time. While we moved seventeen feet of snow, many people had their livelihood affected when building roofs collapsed under the weight of that snow. There are a few engineered barns and warehouses that have collapse coverage. Most of the buildings that collapsed were not covered. If you have a homeowner's policy, your dwelling is covered for collapse, but your decks and eaves troughs are excluded.
When the snow melted, water ran right through some houses. Outside water is not covered; however, the sewer back-up endorsement does cover water that overflows a floor drain or sump hole with a working sump pump.
PEI Mutual paid a lot of claims in 2015, covering $13.5 million dollars' worth of damage. Fire, water escape and sewer back-up were leading causes of covered losses. This is the third year in a row of poor underwriting results; however, because of PEI Mutual's strong financial position from 130 years of being in business, we are able to keep your Mutual rebate at 10% for 2016.
We invited everyone to come to the opening of our new PEI Mutual building at 116 Walker Avenue, Summerside. The building is great. All of our staff packed their stuff and made the move. I want to thank them for their extra efforts. A special thank-you to Terry Shea, Blair Campbell and Rudy Smith for ironing out details of the building with our contractor Wellington Construction and our architect and engineer Coles Associates Ltd.
Gordon Vessey retired from the Board of Directors following the Annual Meeting in April, 2015. Gordon served on the Board for over 22 years. His voice added a lot of good reasoning to discussions around the board table. We wish Gordon and his wife Ethel a happy retirement.
We welcomed two new Directors in 2015. Shane MacKinnon, a dairy farmer from Richmond, and Joan Dennis, a professional educator from Charlottetown. Your Board of Directors are from across the Island and look forward to planning for your future needs. It has been a privilege to serve as President of PEI Mutual. May God bless this Mutual Company.
George Matheson,
President's Report 2014
It has been a privilege and a pleasure to serve as President of PEI Mutual Insurance Company during 2014. It was a challenging year for everyone in the Company, as the number of claims doubled from the previous year, due to the many weather-related losses that occurred. Thanks to everyone in the Company for your efforts during those busy times.
Premiums were up 6% from last year and although we had a large number of losses, we ended the year with a bottom line profit of $1.5 million.
2014 has been very exciting for the Company as we broke ground on our new office building on Walker Avenue in Summerside. Construction began during the summer and we hope to be in our new office by late spring or early summer of 2015. Wellington Construction is the contractor and is doing a great job.
During 2014, we had two long-time agents retire. Both Peter Johnston and Dave MacAdam have been valued employees of our Company and will be greatly missed. We wish you both the best in your retirement. We also welcomed three new agents - John Flood, Jill Abbott and Jeff Trainor. We hope you will enjoy your work here at PEI Mutual.
In December 2014, one of our board members, Debbie MacLellan, resigned and we would like to thank Debbie for the years she gave PEI Mutual on the board. All the best Debbie.
In closing, it has been a very busy year with all the weather-related claims and the construction of our new office building. I would like to thank all our office staff, agents, management team and fellow directors for collectively helping to make PEI Mutual a leader in the insurance industry.
Gordon Vessey,
President's Report 2013
On behalf of your Board of Directors, I am pleased to report that in 2013, our gross premiums written were up 3.3% to $18.55 million. With the addition of 429 new policies, we now have more than 32,000 policies in force under our farming, residential, commercial, fishing boats and fishing lines of insurance.
Fire losses continue to be the number one loss leader for PEI Mutual, to a total amount of $7.99 million in 2013 compared to $4.93 million in 2012 - an increase of $3.06 million. Electrical was the main identifiable source of such losses, both in 2013 and 2012. Water escape and sewer back up claims were also on the rise in 2013. The total number of claims was up significantly in 2013, resulting in an underwriting loss of $2.04 million. Fortunately, our investment portfolio achieved very good results of $3.28 million, which allowed us to achieve a bottom line profit of $1.13 million after taxes. Because of this, we are able to extend a 10% Mutual Rebate to our policyholders.
In 2013, we wrapped up our Oil Tank Incentive Plan, which resulted in rebate cheques of $213,000 being issued to eligible policyholders, since being implemented in 2011. I would like to thank our policyholders for their co-operation in replacing their high risk outdoor tanks.
On August 31st, 2013, Percy Affleck resigned from the Board. Percy served on our Board for 29 years and was very instrumental in the growth of this Company. I would like to thank Percy for his years of service and wish him all the best in the future. In October 2013, the Board appointed Kent MacFarlane as PEI Mutual's newest Board member. Kent operates a dairy farm with his wife Carol in Albany, PEI. I would like to extend a warm welcome to Kent.
Reflecting back on this past year, I feel honored to have served on this Board as President. I would like to extend a sincere thanks to all the staff, management, agents and directors who are all committed to serving all new and current policyholders. This is something they do best as they live and serve in the same communities as you do.
Brian Annear,
President's Report 2012
PEI Mutual has experienced a profitable year for 2012 and in spite of stagnant investment opportunities, has been able to meet and exceed regulatory requirements with regard to financial stability.
I am pleased to report that our oil related loss experience is improving and that the environmental and financial impact of oil spills is being addressed. I would like to thank our policyholders for their cooperation in replacing high risk outdoor oil tanks. Since 2011, our Company has offered more than $150,000 in direct payment incentives towards outdoor oil tank replacements.
Looking to the future, safety and security of persons and property loss due to fire of an electrical origin is being monitored. Policyholders are advised to make sure their electrical systems are adequate, especially when considering major changes or additions such as heating systems.
Over the last twenty-five years PEI Mutual has enjoyed a steady annual increase in policyholders, which has resulted in an increased number of service employees and a decline in available office space within our cherished older building. To this end, the Board of Directors has approved preliminary plans to eventually construct a new building to address this situation and provide for future growth opportunities.
Long-term employees and Board members of the Company have seen many changes and have been willing to embrace them with enthusiasm. Along the way there has always been the loyal policyholder base, of whom the roots of many date back several generations. Both of these groups will be a very important part of the future. Let the journey continue!
Percy Affleck,
President's Report 2011
A year ago, when I took on the roll of President of this prestigious 126 year old company, which has been recognized year-after-year as a "Top 101 Company in Atlantic Canada", I felt very intimidated. However, I can now say that it has been a very rewarding experience and that with the very competent people running the company on a day-to-day basis, from the Receptionist to the Manager, being President was not that difficult.
I would like to report that P.E.I. Mutual has had another successful year with a net income of $1.5 million, up 50% from last year. Because of this, P.E.I. Mutual is again able to provide a 10% Mutual Rebate to its policyholders, which will be given as a premium discount at the time of renewal. Our premiums written increased by $1 million over last year for a total of $16 million, while claims increased by $500,000 over last year, for a total of $10.3 million. Fire was the number one cause of loss in 2011 with $3.3 million in claims, and "electrical" being the main cause of these fires.
As many of you know, the world trading markets have fluctuated wildly over the past year, making investment decisions very difficult. Our Treasurer and Manager have made invaluable decisions over the years, which have resulted in an excellent source of income from our investment portfolio.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to extend a sincere thanks to all who have made this past year another very successful one at PEI's only Island owned insurance company.
Jim Doyle,
President's Report 2010
2010 was a very exciting year for PEI Mutual - it was our 125th Anniversary of providing quality insurance coverage for our valued policyholders on PEI. One of the highlights was a TV and Radio advertising campaign promoting our company. This promotional activity could not have been carried out without the professional help of our valued employees who went above and beyond.
Along with our 125th anniversary activities, PEI Mutual had a successful year financially. Gross premiums written for 2010 were up $1.127 million over last year, representing a growth rate of 7.65%. Also, we welcomed 769 new policies to our Island-owned mutual company. PEI Mutual is very financially secure and has a policyholder security fund greater than the minimum requirements of the PEI Insurance Act.
Gross Claims were up $1.5 million from last year with fire losses continuing to be PEI Mutual's loss leader. Oil claim losses were up and continue to be an underwriting concern. A lot of effort was concentrated on this problem area during 2010 and we will move forward in 2011 with more preventative measures. Fortunately, wood burning losses were down in 2010; however, electrical fires surfaced as a new area of concern for our company.
Although we had a significant rise in claims this year and there was an increased presence of adverse weather conditions, PEI Mutual still had a very successful year. We achieved a net income after taxes of $1.0 million; due in large part to prudent underwriting and a very vibrant management team. As a result of our continued financial success, PEI Mutual will be able to provide a 10% Mutual Rebate for the next year.
During the last year, PEI Mutual directors, management, agents and staff participated in a Strategic Planning Process. This process will enable PEI Mutual to meet insurance challenges, new markets and underwriting techniques to keep a competitive edge on our services for our valued policyholders into the future.
It has been a rewarding year to serve as President of PEI Mutual and I would like to thank the directors, management, agents & staff for making PEI Mutual the best insurance company on PEI.
Claude Dorgan,
President's Report 2009
It has been a great year and an enjoyable privilege to serve as President of our successful Mutual Insurance Company.
Our Company continued to grow at a steady rate of more than six and a half per cent, and there is more good news. Our claims were down by 11 percent or more than a million dollars from 2008. We are pleased to say that this has created a financial climate whereby we are able to provide a 10% special Mutual rebate to you our Policyholders, who are owners of this Company. This is in addition to the regular Mutual rebate which is 10% this year. This rebate was initiated in 1983 and to date has totaled $22,500,000 to you the policyholders.
In December 2009, PEI Mutual hired its 14th agent. Kendall Docherty will be working in an area east of Charlottetown. Welcome to the PEI Mutual team Kendall.
This successful year at PEI Mutual had many contributing factors. Some of these were: less destructive weather and fewer oil spills. For these reasons along with the efficient and professional work of our dedicated Staff, Agents, the Management team and fellow Directors this has been a year we can be proud of and thankful for.
Thank you all for your hard work.
Stewart MacRae,
President's Report 2008
This was my third term as President of PEI Mutual. It is a great honour and I feel privileged to have held this position.
We made money - hurray! This year we saw a 5% growth in premiums and added $804,000 to the Policyholders' Security Fund - a fund that has been built up over 124 years. To maintain a premium growth rate of 5% into the future, I recognize the need to add significantly more dollars to this Security Fund. However, we can be thankful that PEI Mutual is very financially secure. Prior years of growth in the Policyholders Security Fund leaves us with a balance much greater then the minimum requirements of the PEI Insurance Act, putting our Company on a secure footing.
Our claims were up $1.4 million this year, mainly due to a 26% increase in the total number of claims incurred. The high cost of oil spill clean ups has been a growing concern for the last ten years. PEI Mutual has been pro-active with our policyholders to have their oil installations improved. Unfortunately, oil spills are still happening and, therefore, we will be implementing an additional liability premium charge of $25 for all properties that have an oil tank on the premises. This will mean everyone with an oil tank will have to pay more.
Our investment income has declined due to the world wide financial crisis. Your Board of Directors is happy that 80% of the Policyholders' Security Fund is invested in interest bearing bonds. This downturn has reduced the value of PEI Mutual's Common Stock holdings by approximately 25%.
I would like to thank Allison Johnson for his 27 years of service as a director of PEI Mutual. The by-laws state that on a director's 70th birthday they must retire. Allison served PEI Mutual and its Policyholders very well. His sense of humour was always a blessing for those he was dealing with. His presence is missed at our monthly board meetings and around the office. I would like to announce that Deborah MacLellan, of Wellington, has been appointed by the Board of Directors to serve the Policyholders in the area from Summerside to O'Leary. Welcome Deborah.
Everyone contributes to the Company doing well, including Policyholders who make claims when losses occur, as well as the 14,234 Policyholders who currently enjoy a claims free discount. I enjoy my time with my fellow board members, and always appreciate the wisdom that arises from the group. We are very fortunate to have a young and vibrant management team. They serve on several local, regional and national boards. They are approachable, professional, and truly an asset to this Company. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our 13 agents for their hard work and we acknowledge that between them they would know more than 30% of Prince Edward Islanders. I would like to thank the staff at head office who keep operations running smoothly and, last but not least, our well informed Safety Surveyor. Everyone has an important contribution.
It has been a pleasure to serve as President of such a fine, Island Company.
George D. Matheson,
President's Report 2007
It has been a privilege and pleasure to serve as President of PEI Mutual Insurance Company during 2007.
Premiums continue to grow and were up 5% this past year. Claims were also up 8% over the previous year, but were average when comparing our claims ratio to the last 10 year period. Although our claims were up significantly in 2007, we ended the year on quite a positive note. Our Manager and Treasurer have done a great job with our investment portfolio. Due to this and the hard work of all the PEI Mutual team we ended the year with quite a healthy surplus.
I would like to report that we now have 56% of policyholders on a Claims Free Discount.
PEI Mutual is always striving to meet the insurance needs of our policyholders whether it be Farming, Fishing, Commercial, Residential or Liability. During the past year we continued to make changes that we hope will be beneficial to policyholders.
I would like to thank Cam Trail who retired on June 1st, 2007, for his many years of dedicated service as agent for the West Prince area. Cam came to PEI Mutual in September of 1980 and spent 27 years with us. Congratulations and thank you Cam.
I would also like to welcome our two new agents, Eddie Trail and Randy Wedge who will serve the western end of the province. We hope your time with us will be both productive and enjoyable.
It has been very rewarding to serve as President of PEI Mutual during 2007 and at this time I would like to extend my thanks to our Management Team, Office Staff, Agents and to the Board of Directors for all their hard work, guidance and support over the past year.
Gordon Vessey,
President's Report 2006
2006 has been a very successful year for PEI Mutual to the extent that the Board of Directors has been able to declare a Special Mutual Rebate in the amount of $1.3 million. This refund has been distributed to our 29,000 policyholders by way of cheque and is this is in addition to the 10% Mutual Rebate that will be repeated again in 2007 at time of policy renewals.
On a less positive note is the cost of continuing oil spill losses, which amounted to $1.5 million during the past year. This in spite of past efforts by the Company and policyholders to lessen the risk by equipment upgrades and increased diligence. Outside oil tanks continue to be a large contributor to the problem and this must be addressed. To PEI Mutual’s credit, our remedial cleanup procedure is stellar and endorsed by our Reinsurers but also very expensive. This has resulted in an unusual number of claims against our reinsurance coverage and as policyholders we realize this cannot continue without the consequence of higher reinsurance premiums in the future. While oil spill losses occur across the nation, Prince Edward Island is unique in that we have the highest population density per square kilometer and are among the largest users of home heating oil. The risks are great and in the end policyholders will have to be a big part of the solution.
Board governance is a major issue of review for organizations with public involvement and consumes a lot of time in this post Enron era. PEI Mutual is not immune to this fact and has felt the sting of change from other organizations with which we have dealings. The Board of Directors and our Management team have completed our own governance review that spanned approximately eighteen months and took a huge effort in gathering information and determining its relevance to our Company. In the process, both old and new governance systems were examined, some being very similar to ours and others vastly different. On occasion external expertise and advice was necessary to move the review along.
While change for the Maritime Mutual system of governance is likely inevitable, it seems inadvisable for our Company to venture into major overhaul in advance of proposals under consideration by the Maritime governments. It is evident from our review that a lot of our past application of governance principles are quite acceptable and even recommended in modern governance models. In the end, our consultant’s advice was to fine tune our procedures, make some minor changes and stay the course for the time being.
Since the last annual meeting Blair Wood has tendered his resignation from the Board. I wish to acknowledge Blair’s many years of service and thank him for his valued contribution to the governance process.
Further, I am pleased to advise that Brian Annear of Lower Montague has been nominated to fill the vacancy in Zone 9. Brian brings youth and business talent to the board table and will be a valued addition to the Board of Directors.
A successful year at PEI mutual is not by accident. Everyone plays an important part. I wish to express appreciation to our valued policyholders and acknowledge the diligent work of our office Staff, Agent force, Management team and fellow Directors. Thank you!
Percy Affleck,
President's Report 2005
What an exciting year for PEI Mutual. Together, under-writing profit and investment income produced approximately $2.39 million net income for the year, thus giving the Company the opportunity to provide a 10% Mutual rebate to the policyholders effective May 1, 2006.
PEI Mutual continues to work on monitoring two of our largest risks - oil escapes and wood burning losses. Oil claim losses decreased approximately $650,000 from 2004 and wood burning losses decreased approximately $450,000 during the same period.
On behalf of your Board of Directors, I wish to thank the PEI Mutual team members for their excellent work and dedication. They've performed well once again looking after policyholder's needs both at head office and on the road across the Island from tip to tip. Our great Company is here to work with families in their homes, with their businesses, and with their community centers & churches. We take pride in helping our insured families and communities with their unfortunate losses.
We were pleased to hire two new agents this year - Paul Power and Darren Baglole. Our team of twelve agents plus our in-office agent continue to work on our Company's growth adding more policyholders each year. This growth, together with good underwriting skills, continue to add greatly to the Company's success. Gross written premiums were up 9.1 % for the year.
Thank you to the Board of Directors for giving me the opportunity to serve as President of such a great Company. Management, agents, adjusters, our safety surveyor, office staff, and directors work together as a strong team. We take pride in working with our 20,000 (+) policyholders.
Brian MacKinley,
President's Report 2004
It is with pleasure on behalf of our Board of Directors of PEI Mutual that we are able to report to you, our valued policyholders, another successful year. Gross premiums written for 2004 were up $781,000 over last year representing a growth rate of 7.4%. Although we did not have any drastic weather related claims our gross claims were up in 2004 caused by some major fire losses and oil spill claims.
Although claims were up, the prudent management capabilities of our management team enabled us to end the year on a very positive note with a healthy surplus. We at PEI Mutual will continue to strive and offer insurance to all of our policyholders at a very competitive level and in doing so will continue to develop new markets and underwriting techniques to better serve you in the future. As you know, the insurance industry is always facing challenges in today’s market place, and for PEI Mutual it is no different. With all this aside it was very rewarding to serve as President of PEI Mutual in 2004 and at this time I would like to extend my heart felt thanks to my fellow Board members for their dedication and commitment throughout the year.
On a sad note, one of our Directors, John Furness, passed away this year after serving us since 1992. Condolences are passed on to his family from the PEI Mutual family. As a result of John’s passing, the Board was required to choose a new member to fill his vacancy and as such, we are very pleased to extend a very warm welcome to Jim Doyle of Mount Stewart, as PEI Mutual’s newest Board member.
In closing, I would like to thank management, agents and staff for the professionalism and dedication used in carrying out their duties on a day to day basis.
Claude Dorgan,
President's Report 2003
Wow, what a year! 2003 started out very well for PEI Mutual, however in the early fall we were hit with a number of large claims, including the catastrophe of Hurricane Juan, all of which had a significant impact on our bottom line. Even so, I am proud to say that our Company was in a position whereby we were able to handle these claims and still finish with a very respectful net profit for the year.
I would like to make special mention of PEI Mutual’s claim’s department and claim’s adjusters for the extra effort that they put forward as a result of Hurricane Juan. Many extra hours were required to properly service our customer base during this time and my sincere thanks goes out to all those who worked so hard on behalf of the Company during this time.
PEI Mutual’s investment portfolio continued to perform well this year and I would like to thank our investment team for successfully managing this portfolio in the midst of the challenging market conditions that continued to prevail over the past year.
The agents and staff of PEI Mutual have continued to provide exceptional service to our customer base throughout the year. I recognize that it is through these people that our customers judge the quality of our insurance product and service, and I would like to personally thank all of the agents and staff for their continued hard work and dedication to our Company. Also, with the retirement of our agent Wayne Newson this year, I would like to welcome PEI Mutual’s newest service agent, Sandra MacDonald, who resides with her family in Crapaud, PEI.
PEI Mutual has continued to work hard at reducing and preventing oil escape losses during the past year. Protecting our environment and reducing expensive clean up procedures have been our main focus of attention. We appreciate our policyholders’ response in working with us to achieve these goals.
Once again, this has been a very rewarding, yet challenging year for myself and the rest of the Board of Directors. Along with the regular challenges of successfully operating in the insurance industry, there was the additional challenge of Hurricane Juan this year. I would like to thank my fellow Board members for their hard work and support throughout this past year and I would also like to offer my best wishes to Claude Dorgan, this year’s incoming President.
Allison Johnson,
Manager's Reports
CEO's Report 2023
2023 was year in which PEI Mutual continued to work through many challenges presented in the aftermath of Hurricane Fiona. Our team performed exceptionally, and we strategically built our capacity, adding key members and expanding our leadership team in order to better serve our members and support our people. Through resiliency, we upheld our commitment to providing outstanding service and did our best to meet the expectations of our policyholders, keeping their needs at the forefront during challenging times.
PEI Mutual continues to lead the market in responsiveness and accessibility of our team. Our goal of offering quality products at competitive prices remains strong and we are proud to be known as the insurance provider of choice on PEI. We are committed to innovation and will continue to look for ways we can improve for the future.
Financially, the company had another great year in 2023. Premiums written were up by $3.4 million over the previous year and our Mutual membership continued to grow as we added 774 net-new policies during the year.
Claims experience returned to an average level in terms of total losses of around 1100, which is in line with what we have come to expect in years previous. This is a relief following the significant impact of Hurricane Fiona in 2022. Gross Losses incurred, however, remained above average, at $48 million, much of which can be attributed to new and maturing Hurricane Fiona claims, as well as several major fire losses in 2023. We have seen a significant increase in reinsurance rates in 2023, which will carry an impact on profitability in future years.
Investment return was favorable, with a profit of $4.5 million. Although the financial markets generally did not perform well during 2023, PEI Mutual did achieve a positive return on both our equities (6.01%) and bonds (4.35%).
Together with an underwriting profit of $3.5 million and investment profit of $4.5 million, the company achieved a net income after tax of $6.1 million. These profits have been added to the Members' surplus which now sits at $84.9 million, an exceptionally strong position as at December 31, 2023.
As a Mutual company, PEI Mutual aims to provide value to our members through competitive pricing and offering rebates based on the financial results of the current fiscal year. Following another strong year in 2023, our Board of Directors has declared that the current 18% mutual rebate will remain effective and be applied to policy renewal premiums through April 30, 2025.
We take pride in giving back to our Island communities through partnerships, community support and volunteerism. In 2023, we were fortunate to be able to support more than 200 organizations and causes across PEI, delivering more than $300,000 to community initiatives.
Some highlights for the year would include our major commitment as a Champion sponsor of the 2023 Canada Games, as well as an exciting new partnership with the PEI School Athletic Association. Our PEI Mutual Education Trust also awarded 20 scholarships to deserving Island graduates in 2023. We are an active member of all 5 Island Chambers of Commerce and take pride in celebrating and supporting Small Business across PEI.
In 2022, we embarked on the journey of a build and customization project for a new cloud-based Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. This has been a monumental undertaking, now more than 2 years in the making, and will revitalize the way we do business. It is undoubtedly the most significant technological evolution in our company's history. We are excited to see the project through to completion with our organization-wide adoption scheduled for the Spring of 2024.
In addition to the ERP System, PEI Mutual has made a commitment to digital transformation, embracing a number of technology-related initiatives, such as hardware and infrastructure upgrades, security enhancements, use of additional software tools, and creating supports for remote/hybrid workers. This transition will bring many opportunities to enhance the way we serve our members into the future, as well as the potential for creating efficiency in our operations by leveraging the data and real-time access to information. This will also allow for us to modernize operational processes, and improve the speed of service to policyholders.
In closing, I would like to say thank you to all of our valued members across Prince Edward Island, who place their trust in us, and help to make us the insurance provider of choice on PEI.
I would also like to thank our incredible team who have worked hard to support each other in serving your insurance needs over the past 12 months. Our people really are at the heart of our success, and I continue to be inspired by their unrelenting commitment to service.
Finally, I would like to thank the Board of Directors for their support in my role as CEO, and helping to steer the company through a period of significant change and transition, as we position ourselves for the future.
We look forward to serving our policyholders in 2024, with our focus on striving to be the best place to work, the insurance provider of choice, and making the most impact in our communities.
Craig Noonan,
General Manager's Report 2019
It is our vision to make PEI Mutual the insurer of choice on PEI. Our people strive to achieve this through the products and personal service that we offer to our Members.
Hard Market and Mutuality
The insurance industry has and continues to experience a ?hard market? where property owners may have a difficult time finding affordable insurance. PEI Mutual was formed in 1885 because of these same conditions where Island farmers experienced difficulty arranging insurance for their property. The original Members of the Company joined together to insure one another mutually. Today we continue to accept many new members that share in our values of mutual protection and shared loss prevention.
2019 Financial Results
Financially PEI Mutual experienced a very good year illustrating responsible financial management and stewardship by the Board of Directors.
Gross Written Premiums increased by $2.2 Million dollars in 2019. This increase can be attributed to new Members purchasing policies, existing Members purchasing additional coverages and rising costs of construction.
2019 was our largest claims year ever with over $21.5 million in incurred losses. On September 7th and 8th Hurricane Dorian alone added just over $8 million dollars to our claim payments. Fortunately we receive excellent support from our reinsurer, Farm Mutual Re based in Cambridge Ontario. Under our catastrophe reinsurance treaty our hurricane losses were reduced by more than $6.7 million dollars.
Although operating expenses increased they were slightly lower relative to premiums written. This resulted in PEI Mutual realizing an underwriting profit of $1.1 million.
Investment Income followed the markets with 2019 seeing very positive results.
We saw continued downward pressure on fixed income yields and are continuing to maximize returns in a low interest rate environment. We continue to invest 79% of our assets in secure high quality fixed income products.
Common stock reporting is again affected by accounting standard IFRS 9 which requires that all gains or losses are booked on December 31st. During 2019 North American stock markets rebounded and made further gains following their decline toward the end of 2018. Investment income from stocks includes Dividend Income along with realized and unrealized gains. We continue to invest 21% of our assets in high quality North American companies that have very good longer term outlooks and favorable commitments to shareholders.
Our net income after tax was very positive at just under $4.2 million.
Mutual Rebate
Following our 2019 year end the Board of Directors declared a Mutual Rebate of 10% that will be applied to policy renewal premiums effective May 1, 2020 through to April 30, 2021.
Member Service
Hurricane Dorian caused an extremely busy year in claims activity. Our Members suffered damage across the Island. We have an excellent team that responded to our Members when they needed us most. PEI Mutual staff worked many weekends and evenings to handle the additional workload. A big thanks goes out to all who pitched in.
Member Service has been a major focus for our agents and support staff over the 2019 year. Our 16 field agents have been busy contacting and meeting with Members to update policies ensuring that they are current. If you would like to arrange a visit with one of our agents please contact our office.
I would like to close by thanking our entire staff for their dedication and continued commitment to excellence in Member Service.
Finally I will say thank you to you, our loyal Members, who choose PEI Mutual as their insurer.
Blair Campbell,
CEO / General Manager
President's Report 2018
2018 was a very busy year for PEI Mutual. We paid out $2.41 million in special mutual rebate cheques to our policyholders. Premiums increased by $1.8 million or 7.5% over last year. Total policies in force at December 31, 2018 were 36,066, which included 874 new policies added during the year. PEI Mutual now has property insured on PEI in the amount of $11.9 billion. The Company is very financially secure and has a policyholder security fund greater than the minimum requirements of the PEI Insurance Act.
Net claims increased by $3.27 million over last year, with $15.8 million in covered claims paid out to policyholders during the year. The total number of claims incurred this year was 1,463 up 48% from the 986 claims incurred in 2017. Fire losses continue to be the Company’s loss leader with 101 losses incurred in 2018, totaling $5.9 million. Other loss leaders were: water, rupture and freezing; windstorm and hail; and sewer back up.
Although we had a significant rise in claims due to very adverse weather conditions, PEI Mutual still had a very successful year. Our staff and management team are cutting our operating expenses with their hard work and dedication to detail. Due to the large increase in claims, we experienced an underwriting loss of $722,000 for the year. Investment income was also down this year, mainly due to the adoption of a new accounting standard (IFRS 9). This new standard required the Company to recognize its unrealized
gains/losses on stock in its investment income starting this year. The impact of this new standard was magnified as the stock markets were near their 52 week low at December 31, 2018. Total comprehensive income for the year was still $1.0 million, and this has been added to our Member’s Surplus, which now stands at $53.3 million. As a result of our financial success, PEI Mutual will be able to provide a 10% Mutual Rebate to our policyholders to be deducted off premiums when policies are renewed in 2019.
During the past year, PEI Mutual directors, management, agents and staff participated in a very successful Strategic Planning process, which resulted in the following positive outcomes: a new Vision Statement, a new Mission Statement, a new Core Values Statement and over 60 new action items, all of which will guide the Company strategically and cohesively over the next three to five years.
It has been a rewarding year to serve as President of PEI Mutual and I would like to thank the directors, management, agents and staff for making PEI Mutual the best insurance company on PEI.
Claude Dorgan,
President's Report 2017
Once again, PEI Mutual had a successful year in underwriting and investments. We have a great team of agents, staff, management, and directors. Terry Shea and Blair Campbell shared this year as CEO’s, with Terry retiring the end of May 2017, and being succeeded by Blair.
We value our Island Company in giving back and continuing to support Island organizations and events.
PEI Mutual had excellent year end results, and your Board of Directors are pleased to issue a special Mutual rebate cheque of 10% of your 2017 premium PLUS giving you another 10% off your 2018 premium at renewal time, for a total of $4.8 million being returned to policyholders.
Thank you to everyone at PEI Mutual for my opportunity to serve as President for the past year.
Brian MacKinley,
Manager's Report 2016
In 2016, we experienced excellent growth in business with an overall increase in our customer base. Our claim reports decreased both in number and severity. This decrease in claim payments is attributed to improved weather conditions and fewer winter storms during the 2016 winter season. The following is a brief summary of our results for 2016:
- Good growth in premium and market share.
- Reduction in operating expense ratio. Over the past number of years we have placed significant emphasis on reducing our operating expenses.
- Reduction in reinsurance cost due to improved claims experience with our reinsurer and an increase in liability reinsurance retention.
- Profit from insurance business of $3,356,000.
- Good return on investments yielding investment income of $3,244,000.
- Net income after tax of $5,175,000.
- Return on equity of 11%.
On May 31, 2017, I will be retiring from PEI Mutual after more than 32 years in a managerial capacity; first 16 years as Accountant/Controller and the last 16 years as Manager/CEO. Throughout this time I was fortunate to have worked with a dedicated team of staff, agents and directors. Together, we saw the company grow from:
- A premium base of $3,200,000 in 1984 to $22,800,000 in 2016.
- A surplus of $4,600,000 to $48,100,000.
- A staff compliment of 9 individuals to 25 individuals.
- A service agent base of 9 individuals to 15 individuals.
I have enjoyed my many years of working in a leadership capacity for this great Island Company and I want to take this opportunity to thank the staff, agents and directors for their hard work. I also want to thank our policyholders for their commitment to dealing with an "Island Owned and Operated" insurance company. It gets more difficult every year to compete in an international market and I am pleased that we are able grow our business annually on a profitable basis. Our main objective is to provide protection to our policyholders with excellent customer service at a competitive price and modern insurance product. We are local and your money does stay on PEI. If you have a question you can contact us via e-mail, telephone or by visit to our new office building in Summerside, PEI. Our telephones are answered in person and you do not have to deal with voice mail and be left wondering when your call will be returned. We strive to provide our customers personal service in an efficient manner.
Policyholders of PEI Mutual benefit by sharing in the Company profits through a "Mutual Rebate" which is given in years when the Company has good financial results. I am pleased to advise that our Board of Directors have approved a "Mutual Rebate" of approximately $2,700,000 (10%) in 2017. This year's "Mutual Rebate" will be given as a discount at time of renewal.
PEI Mutual is a 132 year old "Island" company that prides itself on providing "excellent" service to its valued policyholders. PEI Mutual is recognized as a "Top 101 Company in Atlantic Canada" as sponsored by Progress Magazine.
"Providing excellent service to our policyholders" is our key to success. I thank our team of dedicated staff, agents and directors for their hard work.
Thank you for choosing PEI Mutual as your insurance provider.
Terry Shea,
General Manager / CEO
Manager's Report 2015
PEI Mutual celebrated its 130th anniversary in 2015 with the opening of its new office building at 116 Walker Avenue, Summerside. On June 18, 2015, we closed the doors at 201 Water Street, Summerside and we reopened at our new location on Walker Avenue on June 23, 2015. We thank our General Contractor, Wellington Construction and the Architects, Engineers and Project Management team at Coles Associates for their diligent work on this project. The leadership of Roger Arsenault, Co-owner of Wellington Construction, and Robert Haggis, Architect from Coles Associates is greatly appreciated.
In 2015, we experienced excellent growth in business with an overall increase in our customer base. Our claim reports decreased in number but the average dollar value of claims increased significantly with "fire" and "water damage" being the most common cause. The following is a brief summary of our results for 2015:
- Good growth in premium and market share.
- Reduction in operating expense ratio.
- Reduction in reinsurance cost due to good claims experience with our reinsurer and increased liability retention.
- Average investment return.
- Significant claim payments.
- Net income after tax of $1,393,000.
Water damage claims resulting from broken water pipes and sewer backup have been an increased cause of loss over the past 10 years. Society is changing the way they construct and use their homes by:
- Constructing or renovating their dwellings to have an increased number and more elaborate washroom fixtures than in the past creating increased opportunity for water damage.
- Locating laundry facilities on the top floor of the dwelling rather than the basement, causing water damage throughout the complete dwelling when there is a problem with an appliance.
- Constructing elaborate living quarters in the basement with expensive furnishings and electronics. Water from burst water pipes will naturally gravitate to the basement and cause significant costly damage.
These lifestyle changes are increasing our claims cost, requiring increased premium charges. Effective January 2016, we have increased our rates for the optional sewer backup coverage. These new rates will be reflected in policy renewals for 2016.
Investment returns have decreased in 2015 compared to the past two years. The financial markets have been in turmoil for most of 2015, making it very difficult to realize a decent return on our investments. PEI Mutual's investment portfolio totals $51,000,000. These investments are managed by our Controller, Rudy Smith and myself. Fortunately, our investment policy limits the amount of risk that we can assume in purchasing investments and, as a result, our exposure was limited. Our return on investments realized for 2015 was 5.8% with a total investment income for the year of $3,000,000.
In the past few years, we have experienced increased inflationary rates for dwelling construction, requiring us to increase the value of homes on renewal. PEI Mutual subscribes to an industry standard home valuation estimator that provides us with the PEI inflation factors. It is apparent that the implementation of HST in PEI in 2013 has had an impact on the cost of construction.
Policyholders of PEI Mutual benefit by sharing in the Company profits through a "Mutual Rebate" which is given in years when the Company has good financial results. I am pleased to advise that our Board of Directors have approved a "Mutual Rebate" of approximately $2,300,000 (10%) in 2016. This year's "Mutual Rebate" will be given as a discount at time of renewal.
PEI Mutual is a 131 year old "Island" company that prides itself on providing "excellent" service to its valued policyholders. PEI Mutual is recognized as a "Top 101 Company in Atlantic Canada" as sponsored by Progress Magazine.
"Providing excellent service to our policyholders" is our key to success. I thank our team of dedicated staff, agents and directors for their hard work.
Thank you for choosing PEI Mutual as your insurance provider.
Terry Shea,
General Manager / CEO
Manager's Report 2014
PEI Mutual is on the edge of an exciting and historical event with the construction of our new office building at 116 Walker Avenue in Summerside. Our historical documents indicate that the head office of our company has been at its present location since the company first opened its doors 130 years ago. It will be sad to leave our current location but exciting to move and start a new chapter in the PEI Mutual history. Our new building is a modern, environmentally friendly building that will accommodate PEI Mutual operations for many years to come.
In 2014 we experienced a year of increased claims that can be attributed to bad weather events throughout the year. The following is a brief summary of our results for 2014:
- Good growth in premium and market share.
- Reduction in reinsurance cost due to good claims experience with our reinsurer and increased liability retention.
- Reduction in operating expense ratio.
- Good investment return.
- Significant increase in claims reported resulting in increased claim payments.
- Net income after tax of $1,495,000.
The poor claims experience in 2014 resulted from weather related claims as follows:
- Sewer backup claims totaling $2,980,000 which was 23% of total claims for 2014. On average for the last 10 years, sewer backup represented 7% of total claims. Sewer backup claims have been increasing in number in the past five years. In July 2014, we increased the rates for sewer backup and made underwriting requirements more stringent.
- Windstorm claims totaling $1,473,000 which was 11% of total claims for 2014. On average for the last 10 years, windstorm represented 7% of total claims.
In 2014, we had two long standing agents retire from our company. Peter Johnston from Kinlock provided 38 years of service and David MacAdam from Morell provide 30 years of service. I express my gratitude to both Peter and David for their dedication to the company. In November 2014, we hired John Flood, Jill Abbott and Jeff Trainor to look after the insurance needs of the PEI Mutual policyholders in the areas that were serviced by Peter and David. Everyone at PEI Mutual wishes Peter and David a wonderful retirement and is pleased to welcome John, Jill and Jeff to the PEI Mutual team.
The PEI Mutual staff, agents and directors were pleased to receive two awards in 2014:
- In October 2014, we were awarded the Summerside Chamber of Commerce Business Excellence Award.
- Also, in October 2014, PEI Mutual was recognized as recipient of the prestigious award "A Top 101 Company in Atlantic Canada" as sponsored by Progress Corp. PEI Mutual has received this award for each of the past 17 years.
Policyholders of PEI Mutual benefit by sharing in the Company profits through a "Mutual Rebate" which is given in years when the Company has good financial results. I am pleased to advise that our Board of Directors have approved a "Mutual Rebate" of approximately $2,200,000 (10%) in 2015. This year's "Mutual Rebate" will be given as a discount at time of renewal.
PEI Mutual is a 130 year old Island company with its Head Office located in Summerside, PEI. Decisions are made promptly on PEI. We are in the business of providing service to our policyholders and it's our goal to give excellent service in an efficient manner. I thank our agents and staff for their hard work in achieving this goal.
Thank you for choosing PEI Mutual as your insurance provider.
Terry Shea,
General Manager / CEO
Manager's Report 2013
2013 has been a year of increased claims both in number and size. We ended the year with a net income after taxes of $1,131,361 which is made up of a loss from insurance business of $2,039,000; income from investments of $3,430,000; and an income tax deduction of $260,000. Fire and water damage were the two main causes of increased claims.
Water and sewer backup claims have been increasing consistently over the past ten years. We feel this increase is attributable to the manner in which new homes are designed and used. Laundry facilities are now being placed on the upstairs level of the home resulting in significant damage to the dwelling when a water pipe bursts. Basements that were once left unfinished are now finished and furnished with very expensive materials and furnishings that are damaged when water migrates to the basement. In 2013, we paid $2.33 million for 307 water escape claims. In 2012, we paid $1.14 million for 162 water escape claims. A thorough review of our claims experience has revealed that our premium charged is insufficient to cover our claims. A rate increase for sewer backup coverage will be implemented in 2014.
PEI Mutual has an investment portfolio totaling $53.3 million. These investments are managed by our controller, Rudy Smith and myself. Our investment policy limits the amount of risk that we can assume in purchasing investments and, as a result, our exposure to the overall investment market fluctuations is limited. Our return on investments realized for 2013 was 6.4% which is a significant improvement over the past six years.
Operating a local Island owned company in a global market where change is constant is a continuous challenge. Our employees take great pride in working for PEI Mutual and have significant interest in the success of the company. Over the past number of years, we have worked hard to reduce the expense ratio of the company and I am pleased to advise that it is now the lowest it has been in the past 30 years of record.
It is our goal to have our policyholders adequately insured. When a claim occurs, we want you looked after. Our 14 agents throughout PEI have been finding it more difficult to make contact with policyholders and to have policyholders take the time to sit down and review their coverage. Please call Head Office to arrange a visit from your agent. It is in your best interest to have proper insurance coverage, as it is too late after a claim to determine that your protection is not as good as it could have been.
Providing excellent service to our policyholders is our first and foremost goal. From our receptionist to our agents and claims adjusters, we strive to provide high quality, efficient service. When you contact PEI Mutual, you will be greeted by one of our highly trained, professional, friendly staff located at Head Office in Summerside. Please call 1-800-565-5441 to speak to an agent or to report a claim.
PEI Mutual is a 129 year old Island company with its Head Office located in Summerside, PEI. Decisions are made promptly on PEI. We are in the business of providing service to our policyholders and it's our goal to give excellent service in an efficient manner. I thank our agents and staff for their hard work in achieving this goal.
Thank you for choosing PEI Mutual as your insurance provider.
Terry Shea,
General Manager
Manager's Report 2012
I am very pleased to advise that PEI Mutual experienced a good year financially and that we will provide our policyholders with a 10% Mutual Rebate of approximately $2,100,000 in 2013. This year's Mutual Rebate will be given as a discount at time of renewal.
PEI Mutual continues to grow on an annual basis. In 2012, the gross premium revenue of the company has grown by almost 7%. Each of our lines of insurance (farm, fishing, residential and commercial) has been profitable and our investment return was very good.
In the past 10 - 15 years, we have experienced growth in claims resulting from oil spills. In 2012, this trend has reversed and there has been a reduction in oil spill claims. Our statistics indicate that 80% of past oil spill claims resulted from outdoor single wall steel installations and that these tanks are failing between 6-10 years of age. In 2011, we implemented new requirements to have some of these tanks replaced earlier than the current tagged expiry date. Policyholders affected would have received information on this in the mail. In order to assist with the financial burden on our policyholders, we offered a $100 incentive to have outdoor steel oil installations converted to a non-corrosive oil tank or a non-petroleum based heat source. To date, over 1,500 policyholders have benefited from this incentive. I thank our policyholders for working with us to improve their oil installations. The $100 oil incentive program has been extended until December 31, 2013. Please visit our web site at or contact Head Office to obtain information on this program.
We have experienced an increase in claim occurrences caused by electrical wiring and water damage. We feel both these causes are indicative of changes in the way families operate their homes. The increased use of electricity to heat homes and the use of new home appliances have increased the demand on the electrical service. In 2012, we paid $1.1 million and in 2011 we paid $1.3 million on claims deemed to have been electrical in nature. The increase in water damage claims is attributable to the manner in which new homes are designed and used. Laundry facilities are now being placed on the upstairs level of the home resulting in significant damage to the dwelling when a water pipe bursts. Basements that were once left unfinished are now finished and furnished with very expensive materials and furnishings that are damaged when water migrates to the basement. In 2012, we paid claims of $1.14 million for 162 water escape claims.
It is our goal to have our policyholders adequately insured. When a claim occurs, we want our policyholders looked after. Our 14 agents throughout PEI have been finding it more difficult to make contact with policyholders and to have policyholders take the time to sit down and review their coverage. Please call Head Office to arrange a visit from your agent. It is in your best interest to have proper insurance coverage; as it is too late after a claim to determine that your protection is not as good as it could have been.
We are dedicated to providing excellent service to our policyholders who have experienced damages resulting from an insured loss. From our receptionist to our claim's manager, we strive to provide high quality, efficient service. When you phone PEI Mutual, you will be greeted by our highly trained, professional, friendly staff who are located at Head Office in Summerside. Please call 1-800-565-5441 to report a claim.
PEI Mutual is an Island company owned by its policyholders with its Head Office located in Summerside, PEI. Decisions are made promptly on PEI. We are in the business of providing service to our policyholders and it's our goal to give excellent service in an efficient manner. We are a 128 year old Island company owned and operated by islanders with decisions made locally. I thank our agents and staff for their hard work in achieving this goal.
Thank you for choosing PEI Mutual as your insurance provider.
Terry Shea,
General Manager
Manager's Report 2011
When weather is harsh, we tend to have increased claims. This was the situation in 2011 with an increase in fire, water and oil spill claims. The increased claims costs were positively impacted by a reduction in our operating expenses and a reasonably good return on our investment portfolio giving us a net income after tax of $1,525,214.
Since 2001, we have paid almost $1,000,000 annually to clean up oil spills. This represents 14% of our total claim payout for all claims in the past 10 years. Outdoor oil installations represent only 34% of PEI Mutual's total insured oil installations, but are the cause of 80% of our oil losses. Our experience has been that outdoor oil steel installations will not last until their present tagged expiry date. Existing single wall steel tanks appear to be failing between 6-10 years of age.
In 2011, we implemented more stringent requirements for outdoor steel oil tanks. Policyholders affected would have received information on this in the mail. We realize this puts a financial burden on our policyholders, but our past claims experience is not sustainable. In order to alleviate some of the financial burden, we have offered a $100 financial incentive to policyholders who change their outdoor steel tank to either a non-corrosive oil tank or convert to a non-petroleum based heat source. Information on this incentive can be obtained by visiting our web site at or by contacting Head Office. To date, 629 policyholders have benefited from this incentive.
PEI Mutual has an investment portfolio totaling $49,000,000. These investments are managed by our controller, Rudy Smith and myself. Since 2008, the investment markets have been volatile making it very difficult to earn a decent return on our portfolio. Our return on investments realized for 2011 was 5.32%.
Policyholders of PEI Mutual benefit by sharing in the Company's profits through a "Mutual Rebate" which is given in years when the Company has good financial results. I am pleased to advise that we will be giving a "Mutual Rebate" of approximately $1,900,000 (10%) in 2012. A "Mutual Rebate" has been paid to our policyholders for 22 of the past 28 years. The total amount refunded to the policyholders in those 22 years was $27,800,000. This year's "Mutual Rebate" will be given as a discount at time of renewal.
PEI Mutual Education Trust is pleased to continue providing scholarships to Grade 12 graduating students across PEI. In 2011, we awarded 20 scholarships of $750 each. I congratulate all the 2011 recipients. Our Education Trust was a centennial project in 1985 and, since inception, we have awarded 532 scholarships totaling $284,000.
It is our goal to have our policyholders adequately insured. When a claim occurs, we want our policyholders looked after. Our 14 agents throughout PEI have been finding it more difficult to make contact with policyholders and to have policyholders take the time to sit down and review their coverage. Please call Head Office to arrange a visit from your agent. It is in your best interest to have proper insurance coverage, as it is too late after a claim to determine that your protection is not as good as it could have been.
PEI Mutual is an Island company owned by its policyholders with its Head Office located in Summerside, PEI. Decisions are made promptly on PEI. We are in the business of providing service to our policyholders and it's our goal to give excellent service in an efficient manner. We are a 127 year old Island company owned and operated by Islanders with decisions made locally. I thank our agents and staff for their hard work in achieving this goal.
Thank you for choosing PEI Mutual as your insurance provider.
Terry Shea,
General Manager
Manager's Report 2010
PEI Mutual has just completed 125 years of business on PEI. This past year was an exciting time for the employees of PEI Mutual. Throughout the year, we spearheaded a number projects to celebrate our history. A TV commercial was produced on PEI which featured PEI Mutual employees and their families as actors. We also advertised in local papers and built a parade float which was entered in most of the PEI parades throughout the summer. Mutual rebate cheques representing 10% of policyholders' premium were mailed to all our policyholders in March, 2010 totaling $1,473,000. Overall, it was a busy fun-filled year for our employees and I thank them for their leadership and participation in our festivities.
Weather incidents and oil spills resulted in a large increase in claim activity for 2010. The number of losses increased by 43% over 2009 representing an increase of $1,500,000 in claim payouts.
Claims resulting from wind damage represented 16% of our total claim payout and 40% of our number of claims in 2010. This is more than double our average in the past 10 years.
Since 2001, we have paid almost one million dollars annually to clean up oil spills. Oil spills represent 14% of our total claim payout for all claims in the past 10 years. Outdoor oil installations appear to be failing faster that expected. A few facts about our experience:
- Provincial regulations require that all oil tank installations be tagged. Outdoor steel installations appear to be deteriorating and leaking prior to their present expiry date on the provincial tag. Our experience is that the single wall steel tanks, that are tagged for 15 years, appear to be failing between 6-10 years.
- Outdoor oil installations represent 34% of PEI Mutual's total oil installations on our books but are the cause of 80% of our oil losses.
Some recommendations on oil installations:
- An oil furnace and tank should be professionally inspected and serviced yearly, with a filter change and removal of sludge and water from the bottom of the tank.
- It is recommended that oil tanks be installed in the basement of a home when conditions permit. This protects the tanks from our harsh weather elements and will result in a quicker response to an oil leak because the homeowners will notice the leak prior to any significant loss of oil. Oil spills from outside oil tanks are not usually detected until all the oil has leaked and the tank is empty.
Over the past 15 years water damage claims have increased in both number and dollars. We attribute this to an increase in people finishing their basements with higher quality products.
I am pleased to welcome Kendall Docherty as a new service agent. He lives in Hazelbrook with his wife Denise and young family. Kendall is well known throughout PEI for his musical talents. He makes an excellent addition to the PEI Mutual team.
I am pleased to advise that PEI Mutual was once again recognized in 2010 by Progress Corp as a "Top 101 Company in Atlantic Canada". PEI Mutual has received this award for each of the past thirteen years. In 2010, there were three other companies in PEI that received this award.
PEI Mutual is an Island Company which contributes greatly to our Island economy through contributions to local charities and organizations and through the employment of 35 full time permanent staff who contribute to and volunteer in their home community.
"Providing excellent service to our policyholders" is our key to success. I thank our team of dedicated employees and directors for their hard work.
Thank you for choosing PEI Mutual as your insurance provider.
Terry Shea,
General Manager
Manager's Report 2009
Rebate Cheque Enclosed!
PEI Mutual Celebrating 125th Anniversary
Rebates to policyholders total $3,100,000
PEI Mutual is celebrating 125 years of business. Our policyholders benefit from our financial success by sharing in the Company's profits through "Mutual Rebates" which are given in years when the Company has good financial results. I am pleased to advise that policyholders will receive a total of $3,100,000 in mutual rebates:
- A "Mutual Rebate" of $1,600,000 (10% of 2010 premium) will be deducted from our policyholder's invoice in 2010, and
- A "Special Mutual Rebate" of $1,500,000 (10% of 2009 premium) is being paid out to our policyholders - your cheque is enclosed!
Mutual rebates have been paid to our policyholders for 21 of the past 27 years. The total amount refunded to our policyholders in these 21 years is approximately $25,500,000.
125 years old……….. a brief history of this great Company.
In the 1880's Prince Edward Island experienced difficult times resulting in many maritimers leaving their homes, bound for New England. The farmers stayed behind. They had a difficult time purchasing insurance from companies outside PEI. At the Farmers Convention in 1885, a group of farmers decided to petition the Provincial Legislature for the Incorporation of PEI's first Mutual Insurance Company. This company would be owned by its members and each member would promise to help pay the losses of others in the group. This company would be called the Prince Edward Island Agricultural Mutual Fire Insurance Company and would allow farmers to insure farm property at much reduced costs on what they called a "Mutual Plan". On April 10, 1885, final assent of the bill to incorporate the company was passed in the legislature and PEI Mutual was born. This company could only insure farm property and was quite successful. Other property owners wanted to insure with the "Mutual Plan" which resulted in the formation of another company in 1899, the Prince Edward Island Mutual Fire Insurance. This company would insure "other than farm" properties. In 1941 the two companies amalgamated to our present day company.
Today, 125 years later, PEI Mutual has 25,000 members and is a financially sound company writing 28% of the PEI property and casualty insurance market. A testament of recent growth and financial success of the Company …. our revenues are 4 times what they were 20 years ago and our equity or accumulated surplus is 5.5 times what it was 20 years ago.
Our head office is located in Summerside and it is the only company of its type on PEI. We are truly an Island company, owned and operated by Islanders with decisions made locally.
The success that PEI Mutual has experienced in the past 125 years is a testament to the diligent work of our employees and the leadership of our Board of Directors. I thank the Staff, Agents and Directors for their dedication to the success of PEI Mutual.
Thank you for choosing PEI Mutual as your insurance provider.
Terry Shea,
General Manager
Manager's Report 2008
PEI Mutual is an Island Company, owned and operated by Islanders. In 2010 we will be celebrating our 125th anniversary. The success that PEI Mutual has experienced is a testament to the diligent work of our employees and the leadership of our Board of Directors. A large number of our employees have been with the Company for over 20 years. Our agents, Peter Johnston and Bruce Simpson; and office staff, Vicky Waite, Thelma Cote and Rose Kelly have been with the Company for approximately 30 years. In the past 30 years, our premiums have grown from $2 million to $14 million and our surplus has grown from $2 million to $32 million. Today, PEI Mutual is a financially sound, Island owned company contributing significantly to our Island economy. I thank the staff, agents and directors for their dedication to the success of PEI Mutual.
Our financial results for 2008 gave us a net income after tax of $804,000. Our experience has deteriorated in 2008 compared to our results for the past five years. Gross claims were up 19% over 2007 with an increase in the number of claims reported by 26%. Damages resulting from water, freezing and sewer backup amounted to $1,621,000, 18% of our total claim payments in 2008. Ten years ago, water, freezing and sewer backup claims represented 3% of total claim payments. There has been a gradual increase in these types of claims over the past years. Oil escape claims continue to be a major cause of loss with claim payments of over $1 million in 2008. We have spent over $1 million in each of the past three years as a result of oil escapes. Ten years ago, claims resulting from oil escape were almost non existent. Over the past seven years, our agents have been working with policyholders to have oil installations improved.
PEI Mutual has an investment portfolio totaling $41,000,000. These investments are managed by our controller, Rudy Smith and myself. Investment markets have plummeted in 2008 and PEI Mutual's investment portfolio was negatively affected. Fortunately, our investment policy limits the amount of risk that we can assume in purchasing investments and, as a result, our exposure was limited. Our return on investments realized for 2008 was 5.66%
Three of our employees have volunteered their time to benefit associations connected to PEI Mutual. Blair Campbell, our Corporate Secretary, has accepted an invitation to be a member of the Board of Directors of the Canadian Association of Mutual Insurance Companies, a trade association of property and casualty insurance companies formed as mutuals. Rudy Smith, our Controller, is the President of the Greater Summerside Chamber of Commerce. Stan Gallant, our Systems Analyst, has accepted a position on the Statistics Committee for the Ontario Mutual Insurance Association. The knowledge gained by Blair, Rudy and Stan from their involvement in these organizations will benefit PEI Mutual greatly.
One of the benefits of being a policyholder of PEI Mutual is that policyholders share in its financial success. Although 2008 was not a banner year, our Board of Directors felt the financial position of PEI Mutual warranted a Mutual Rebate to our policyholders. I am pleased to advise that a 10% Mutual Rebate has been approved by our Board of Directors for 2008. This rebate will be deducted off your premium due in 2009. Mutual Rebates have been given to policyholders in 20 of the past 26 years with a total payout of approximately $22,600,000.
Thank you for choosing PEI Mutual as your insurance provider.
Terry Shea,
General Manager
Manager's Report 2007
Our 2007 financial year was average when compared to our past 10 years. 2006 was our best year in 25 years. Based on our success in 2006, the Board of Directors declared a Special Mutual Rebate of $1,240,000 to be paid in 2007. This rebate was paid in April, 2007 and deducted from our earnings for 2007, reducing our 2007 income by $1,240,000.
We experienced an increase in large losses in 2007 having 33 losses reported that were greater that $50,000. Claims relating to wood heat practices were significantly higher in 2007 representing 12% of our total payout for all claims.
PEI Mutual has an investment portfolio totaling $39,000,000. These investments are managed by our controller, Rudy Smith and myself. Our investment policy limits the amount of risk that we can assume in purchasing investments. Our return on investments realized for 2007 was 7.5%, a total of $2,800,000.
In 2007, Cam Trail, our service agent for West Prince County, retired after 27 years of service to PEI Mutual. Over these years, PEI Mutual experienced significant growth and Cam was instrumental in contributing to this growth. On behalf of everyone at PEI Mutual, I thank Cam for his hard work and long term service to our Company and wish him much happiness in his retirement years.
Randy Wedge from Palmer Road and Eddie Trail from Cascumpec were hired in 2007 as service agents for West Prince County. Randy is a graduate of Concordia University and has been employed in the sales and service industries for the past 10 years. Eddie is a graduate of The University of New Brunswick and has been employed in sales and service for the past 20 years. I welcome both Randy and Eddie to our team.
PEI Mutual is an Island company owned by its policyholders with its Head Office located on PEI. Decisions are made promptly on PEI. In profitable years, we give Dividends or Mutual Rebates back to our policyholders either in the form of a cheque or as a reduction from premiums due in the following year. I am pleased to advise that a 10% Mutual Rebate has been approved by our Board of Directors for 2007. This rebate will be deducted off your premium due in 2008. Mutual Rebates have been given to policyholders in 19 of the past 25 years with a total payout of approximately $21,000,000.
PEI Mutual is an Island company which contributes greatly to our Island economy through contributions to local charities and organizations and through the employment of 33 full time permanent staff. PEI Mutual is 123 years old.
Providing excellent service to our policyholders is our key to success. I thank our team of dedicated employees and directors for their hard work.
Thank you for choosing PEI Mutual as your insurance provider.
Terry Shea,
General Manager
Manager's Report 2006
Your rebate cheque is enclosed.
Most successful year in past 25 years.
Rebates to policyholders total $2,700,000
PEI Mutual has just completed its best year financially for the past 25 years. Our policyholders will benefit from our success by sharing in the Company’s profits through “Mutual Rebates” which are given in years when the Company has good financial results. I am pleased to advise that policyholders will receive a total of $2,700,000 in mutual rebates:
- A “Mutual Rebate” of $1,400,000 (10% of 2007 premium) will be deducted from our policyholders’ invoice in 2007, and
- A “Special Mutual Rebate” of $1,300,000 (10% of 2006 premium) is being paid out to our policyholders – your cheque is enclosed.
Mutual rebates have been paid to our policyholders for 18 of the past 24 years. The total amount refunded to our policyholders in these 18 years is approximately $20,000,000.
In 2006, we continued our struggle to reduce the occurrence and cost of oil escape claims. Unfortunately, they continue to occur and the clean up costs are significant. There were 20 new oil escape claims reported in 2006 at an estimated total cost of $1.5 million dollars. On a positive note, in 2006 we did have some success in recovering some of our costs from installers and manufacturers who were deemed to be at fault.
In 2006, Philip MacDonald, our service agent for Summerside and area, retired after 27 years of service to the Company. Philip experienced many changes over these years and was a significant contributor to the Company’s success. On behalf of everyone at PEI Mutual, I thank Philip for his long term service with the Company.
Mark MacDonald from Cornwall , was hired in 2006 as our service agent for part of central Queens County . Mark is a graduate of Nova Scotia Agricultural College and has been employed in the agriculture industry for the past 18 years. I welcome Mark to our team.
I am pleased to advise that PEI Mutual was once again recognized in 2006 by Progress Corp as a “Top 101 Company in Atlantic Canada”. PEI Mutual has received this award for each of the past nine years. In 2006, there were seven other companies in PEI that received this award.
PEI Mutual is an Island company owned by its policyholders with its head office located on PEI . Decisions are made promptly on PEI . We are in the business of providing service to our policyholders and it’s our goal to give excellent service in an efficient manner. I thank our agents and staff for their hard work in achieving this goal.
Thank you for choosing PEI Mutual as your insurance provider.
Terry Shea,
General Manager
Manager's Report 2005
Oil spills were the story of the year for 2004. We had 24 claims reported costing PEI Mutual approximately $1,700,000. Over the past five years, we had 121 oil spill claims reported at a cost of $4,500,000. Approximately 73% of these oil spills were from oil tanks located outside a building.
In 2003, we started an oil tank contest to promote policyholders having their oil tank installation brought up to provincial standards. To date, we have awarded seven prizes of $1,000 each, and plans are to continue with four more $1,000 draws in 2005. Information on this contest is on the last page of the Annual Report.
We thank our policyholders who have updated their oil installation to provincial standards and urge all our policyholders to do so as soon as possible. Provincial regulations require that all oil installations meet provincial standards by September 2006.
There has been a great deal of media attention given to insurance company profits for 2004. The insurance industry in Canada has realized a 20% return on equity. Much of this return was realized on the automobile line of business and PEI Mutual does not sell automobile insurance. PEI Mutual’s return on equity for 2004 was 5% which is a bit lower than where it should be. PEI Mutual is owned by its policyholders and does not have the shareholders that the other insurance companies have, who expect a return on their investment (dividend). PEI Mutual must earn a profit which is sufficient to support premium growth. This profit is added to our equity and is held to keep our company strong for future generations of policyholders.
Our rate increases in the past number of years have been minimal and there are no planned rate increases in 2005. Our income in past years has been sufficient to grow our surplus and keep the company in the excellent financial standing it enjoys today.
Our goal at PEI Mutual is to provide excellent service. Our agents are busy servicing the needs of customers throughout PEI. Our head office staff process the work of our agents, service policyholders on the phone and process insurance claim payments to policyholders. We settle claims as quickly as possible and it is not uncommon to have a claim cheque in the mail the day after the claim is reported. I thank all our staff and service agents for their dedicated service to our policyholders.
Computer technology is an ever growing facet in all businesses and PEI Mutual is no exception. Technology allows for efficiency and we aim to be efficient. We keep abreast of change and our systems are to modern standards. At present we have 35% of our policyholders paying their insurance premium electronically on-line. We are pleased to have such a large percentage of our policyholders using this service.
PEI Mutual was honored to receive the Community Enhancement Award at the Greater Summerside Chamber of Commerce Business Awards Banquet in 2004. This award was given in recognition of both the company and employee contributions to community. We are proud of PEI Mutual’s annual contributions to hospitals, exhibitions, Special Olympics and many more Island organizations. Since its centennial year in 1985, PEI Mutual has awarded 400 scholarships to high school graduates totaling $200,000. PEI Mutual displays its community spirit by sponsoring programs such as Community Showcase on Eastlink TV and the Eric MacEwen Show on CFCY. PEI Mutual has been the title sponsor of the PEI Mutual Provincial Summer and Winter Games for the past eight years.
Management & staff show commitment to the community through contributions to charities such as the United Way and by volunteering as members of the Board of Directors on organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce, Summerside Regional Development Corporation, Slemon Park Corporation and the Insurance Institute of PEI.
PEI Mutual has been a “Top 101 Company in Atlantic Canada “ for the past 7 years, as awarded by Progress Corp. Policyholders of PEI Mutual benefit by sharing in the company’s profits through a “Mutual Rebate” which is given in years when the company has good financial results. A “Mutual Rebate” has been paid to the policyholders for 14 of the last 20 years. The total amount refunded to the policyholders in those 14 years was $11,950,000. I am pleased to advise that we will be giving a “Mutual Rebate” of 5% in 2005. This “Mutual Rebate” will be given as a discount at time of renewal.
PEI Mutual is an Island company owned by its policyholders with its head office on PEI. Decisions are made promptly on PEI. Thank you for choosing PEI Mutual as your insurance provider.
Terrence Shea,
General Manager
Manager's Report 2004
This past year has been a very busy and successful year for PEI Mutual. Throughout the year we implemented the changes that were outlined in last year’s Annual Report and in September we were faced with the devastation caused by Hurricane Juan. Even with Hurricane Juan we ended the year with very good financial results.
PEI Mutual continued to grow in 2003 with an increase in our written premiums of 13% ($1,236,000). Approximately 6% of this increase resulted from the addition of 1,000 new members to PEI Mutual, with 75% of these new members citing the reason for joining PEI Mutual as being referrals based on good service and the excellent reputation that PEI Mutual has.
Hurricane Juan claim payments have amounted to approximately $2,750,000 with $1,470,000 of this payout being recovered from our reinsurer. Our objective in the days following the hurricane was to respond to our policyholders as quickly as possible. We had approximately 750 insurable claims reported and to date have settled 75% of these claims.
The ongoing problem of oil spills continued in 2003 with an estimated $900,000 in claims resulting from accidental oil spills. The new oil installation guidelines which were announced last year are still being implemented. It is our hope that we will see the benefit of these changes by reducing oil spills in years to come.
Claims resulting from Hurricane Juan and oil spills accounted for 57% of all claims incurred in 2003.
In 2003 we realized a 9% return on our investments. The equity of PEI Mutual is invested in secure government bonds and blue chip common stock.
Staff and Agents
In January 2004, Wayne Newson retired after 23 years of service to PEI Mutual. Wayne was a Service Agent who serviced policyholders in Central Queens County. I congratulate Wayne on his retirement and thank him for the excellent service he has given our policyholders. I am pleased to advise that Sandra MacDonald from MacDonald Road in Crapaud was hired to replace Wayne.
I thank all our staff and service agents for their dedicated service to the policyholders of PEI Mutual.
Privacy Act
In January 2004, the new Federal Privacy Act was enacted. At PEI Mutual we voluntarily adopted a code of conduct in 1996 which dealt with many of the issues outlined in the new privacy act and standardized our method of obtaining and securing policyholder’s personal information. A brochure explaining the new act was recently mailed to all our policyholders.
Claims Free Discount
Last year we implemented a 5 year claims free discount of 10% and in the past year 3,030 policyholders qualified for this discount. We also have 3,656 policyholders on a 10 year claims free discount of 20% and 5,034 policyholders on a 15 year claims free discount of 25%. This gives us a total of 11,720 policyholders receiving a residential claims free discount which represents 51% of our total residential policyholders.
Oil Escapes
In 2003, $900,000 and in 2002, $950,000 was spent on claims involving oil spills. Oil spills damage our environment and ruin our property and it is in everyone’s best interest to improve their oil tank installation. By September 2006, all heating oil tank installations must be inspected and tagged under our provincial regulations. Starting in 2003 and going forward we have implemented a number of new guidelines and incentives that will encourage our policyholders to have their oil installation inspected and tagged sooner.
Mutual Rebate
I am pleased to advise that we will be giving a “Mutual Rebate” of 10% in 2004. One of the benefits of being a policyholder of PEI Mutual is that members participate in sharing our profits. In years when we have good financial results we pay a “Mutual Rebate”. This “Mutual Rebate” will be given as a discount at time of renewal.
Thank you for choosing PEI Mutual as your insurance provider. It is our goal to provide you with first rate service.
Terrence Shea,
General Manager
Manager's Report 2003
This past year has been a very busy and successful year for PEI Mutual. Throughout the year we implemented the changes that were outlined in last year’s Annual Report and in September we were faced with the devastation caused by Hurricane Juan. Even with Hurricane Juan we ended the year with very good financial results.
PEI Mutual continued to grow in 2003 with an increase in our written premiums of 13% ($1,236,000). Approximately 6% of this increase resulted from the addition of 1,000 new members to PEI Mutual, with 75% of these new members citing the reason for joining PEI Mutual as being referrals based on good service and the excellent reputation that PEI Mutual has.
Hurricane Juan claim payments have amounted to approximately $2,750,000 with $1,470,000 of this payout being recovered from our reinsurer. Our objective in the days following the hurricane was to respond to our policyholders as quickly as possible. We had approximately 750 insurable claims reported and to date have settled 75% of these claims.
The ongoing problem of oil spills continued in 2003 with an estimated $900,000 in claims resulting from accidental oil spills. The new oil installation guidelines which were announced last year are still being implemented. It is our hope that we will see the benefit of these changes by reducing oil spills in years to come.
Claims resulting from Hurricane Juan and oil spills accounted for 57% of all claims incurred in 2003.
In 2003 we realized a 9% return on our investments. The equity of PEI Mutual is invested in secure government bonds and blue chip common stock.
Staff and Agents
In January 2004, Wayne Newson retired after 23 years of service to PEI Mutual. Wayne was a Service Agent who serviced policyholders in Central Queens County. I congratulate Wayne on his retirement and thank him for the excellent service he has given our policyholders. I am pleased to advise that Sandra MacDonald from MacDonald Road in Crapaud was hired to replace Wayne.
I thank all our staff and service agents for their dedicated service to the policyholders of PEI Mutual
Privacy Act
In January 2004, the new Federal Privacy Act was enacted. At PEI Mutual we voluntarily adopted a code of conduct in 1996 which dealt with many of the issues outlined in the new privacy act and standardized our method of obtaining and securing policyholder’s personal information. A brochure explaining the new act was recently mailed to all our policyholders.
Claims Free Discount
Last year we implemented a 5 year claims free discount of 10% and in the past year 3,030 policyholders qualified for this discount. We also have 3,656 policyholders on a 10 year claims free discount of 20% and 5,034 policyholders on a 15 year claims free discount of 25%. This gives us a total of 11,720 policyholders receiving a residential claims free discount which represents 51% of our total residential policyholders.
Oil Escapes
In 2003, $900,000 and in 2002, $950,000 was spent on claims involving oil spills. Oil spills damage our environment and ruin our property and it is in everyone’s best interest to improve their oil tank installation. By September 2006, all heating oil tank installations must be inspected and tagged under our provincial regulations. Starting in 2003 and going forward we have implemented a number of new guidelines and incentives that will encourage our policyholders to have their oil installation inspected and tagged sooner.
Mutual Rebate
I am pleased to advise that we will be giving a “Mutual Rebate” of 10% in 2004. One of the benefits of being a policyholder of PEI Mutual is that members participate in sharing our profits. In years when we have good financial results we pay a “Mutual Rebate”. This “Mutual Rebate” will be given as a discount at time of renewal.
Thank you for choosing PEI Mutual as your insurance provider. It is our goal to provide you with first rate service.
Terrence Shea,
General Manager
Fiscal Reports
Fiscal Report 2016
View PEI Mutual Annual Report2016
Management Responsibility For Financial Reporting
The accompanying financial statements and all other information contained in this annual report are the responsibility of the management of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company. The financial statements have been prepared by management in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and have been approved by the Board of Directors.
Preparation of financial information is an integral part of management’s broader responsibilities for the ongoing operations of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company. Management maintains a system of internal accounting controls to provide reasonable assurance that transactions are accurately recorded on a timely basis, are properly approved and result in reliable financial information. Such information also includes data based on management’s best estimates and judgements.
The Audit Committee and the Board of Directors review and approve the annual financial statements. In addition, the Audit Committee meets periodically with financial officers of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company and the external auditors, and reports to the Board of Directors thereon.
The accompanying financial statements have been audited by Grant Thornton LLP, authorized to practice public accounting by the Chartered Professional Accountants of Prince Edward Island, who are engaged by the Board of Directors and whose appointment was ratified at the annual meeting of the policyholders. The auditors have access to the Audit Committee, without management present, to discuss the results of their work. Their report dated February 9, 2016 expresses their unqualified opinion on the Company’s 2015 financial statements.
Terry Shea,
Rudy Smith,
Independent auditor’s report
To the policyholders of
Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company, which comprise the statement of financial position as at December 31, 2015, and the statement of comprehensive income, statement of members’ surplus and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.
Management’s responsibility for the financial statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditor’s responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
Grant Thornton LLP. A Canadian Member of Grant Thornton International Ltd We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained in our audit is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company as at December 31, 2015, and its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.
Grant Thornton LLP,
Chartered Accountants
Fiscal Report 2015
View PEI Mutual Annual Report 2015
Management Responsibility For Financial Reporting
The accompanying financial statements and all other information contained in this annual report are the responsibility of the management of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company. The financial statements have been prepared by management in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and have been approved by the Board of Directors.
Preparation of financial information is an integral part of management’s broader responsibilities for the ongoing operations of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company. Management maintains a system of internal accounting controls to provide reasonable assurance that transactions are accurately recorded on a timely basis, are properly approved and result in reliable financial information. Such information also includes data based on management’s best estimates and judgements.
The Audit Committee and the Board of Directors review and approve the annual financial statements. In addition, the Audit Committee meets periodically with financial officers of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company and the external auditors, and reports to the Board of Directors thereon.
The accompanying financial statements have been audited by Grant Thornton LLP, authorized to practice public accounting by the Chartered Professional Accountants of Prince Edward Island, who are engaged by the Board of Directors and whose appointment was ratified at the annual meeting of the policyholders. The auditors have access to the Audit Committee, without management present, to discuss the results of their work. Their report dated February 9, 2016 expresses their unqualified opinion on the Company’s 2015 financial statements.
Terry Shea,
Rudy Smith,
Independent auditor’s report
To the policyholders of
Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company, which comprise the statement of financial position as at December 31, 2015, and the statement of comprehensive income, statement of members’ surplus and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.
Management’s responsibility for the financial statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditor’s responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
Grant Thornton LLP. A Canadian Member of Grant Thornton International Ltd We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained in our audit is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company as at December 31, 2015, and its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.
Grant Thornton LLP,
Chartered Accountants
Fiscal Report 2014
View PEI Mutual Annual Report 2014
Independent auditor’s report
To the policyholders of
Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company, which comprise the statement of financial position as at December 31, 2014, and the statement of comprehensive income, statement of members' surplus and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.
Management's responsibility for the financial statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditor's responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained in our audit is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company as at December 31, 2014, and its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.
Grant Thornton LLP,
Chartered Accountants
Fiscal Report 2013
View PEI Mutual Annual Report 2013
Independent auditor’s report
To the policyholders of
Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company, which comprise the statement of financial position as at December 31, 2013, and the statement of comprehensive income, statement of members' surplus and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.
Management's responsibility for the financial statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditor's responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained in our audit is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company as at December 31, 2013, and its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.
Grant Thornton LLP,
Chartered Accountants
Fiscal Report 2012
View PEI Mutual Annual Report 2012
Independent auditor’s report
To the policyholders of
Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company, which comprise the statement of financial position as at December 31, 2012, and the statement of comprehensive income, statement of members' surplus and statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.
Management's responsibility for the financial statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditor's responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company as at December 31, 2012, and its financial performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.
Grant Thornton LLP,
Chartered Accountants
Fiscal Report 2011
View PEI Mutual Annual Report 2011
Independent auditor’s report
To the policyholders of
Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company, which comprise the statement of financial position as at December 31, 2011, December 31, 2010 and January 1, 2010, the statement of comprehensive income, statement of members' surplus and statement of cash flows for the years then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.
Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditor's Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the company's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the company's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company as at December 31, 2011, December 31, 2010 and January 1, 2010, and its financial performance and its cash flows for the years ended December 31, 2011, December 31, 2010 and January 1, 2010, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.
Grant Thornton LLP,
Chartered Accountants
Fiscal Report 2010
View PEI Mutual Annual Report 2010
Independent auditor’s report
To the policyholders of
Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company, which comprise the balance sheet as at December 31, 2010, the statement of earnings, comprehensive income, equity and cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.
Management's responsibility for the financial statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditor's responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement.
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the company's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the company's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.
In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company as at December 31, 2010, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles
Grant Thornton LLP,
Chartered Accountants
Fiscal Report 2009
View PEI Mutual Annual Report 2009
Independent auditor’s report
To the policyholders of
Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company
We have audited the balance sheet of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company as at December 31, 2009 and the statements of earnings, comprehensive income, equity and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatements. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as at December 31, 2009 and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.
Grant Thornton LLP,
Chartered Accountants
Fiscal Report 2008
View PEI Mutual Annual Report 2008
Independent auditor’s report
To the policyholders of
Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company
We have audited the balance sheet of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company as at December 31, 2008 and the statements of earnings, comprehensive income, equity and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatements. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as at December 31, 2008 and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.
Grant Thornton LLP,
Chartered Accountants
Fiscal Report 2007
Auditor’s Report
To the Policyholders of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company
We have audited the balance sheet of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company as at December 31, 2007 and the statements of earnings, comprehensive income, equity and cash fl ows for the year then ended. These fi nancial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these fi nancial statements based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the fi nancial statements are free of material misstatements. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the fi nancial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and signifi cant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall fi - nancial statement presentation.
In our opinion, these fi nancial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the fi nancial position of the Company as at December 31, 2007 and the results of its operations and cash fl ows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.
Grant Thornton LLP,
Chartered Accountants
Fiscal Report 2006
View PEI Mutual Annual Report 2006
Auditor’s Report
To the Policyholders of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company. We have audited the balance sheet of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company as at December 31, 2006 and the statements of earnings and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatements. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as at December 31, 2006 and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.
Grant Thornton LLP,
Chartered Accountants
Fiscal Report 2005
View PEI Mutual Annual Report 2005
Auditor’s Report
To the Policyholders of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company. We have audited the balance sheet of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company as at December 31, 2005 and the statements of earnings and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatements. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as at December 31, 2005 and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.
Grant Thornton LLP,
Chartered Accountants
Fiscal Report 2004
View PEI Mutual Annual Report 2004
Independent auditor’s report
To the Policyholders of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company. We have audited the balance sheet of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company as at December 31, 2004, and the statements of earnings and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatements. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as at December 31, 2004 and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.
Grant Thornton LLP,
Chartered Accountants
Fiscal Report 2003
View PEI Mutual annual report 2003
Independent auditor’s report
To the Policyholders of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company. We have audited the balance sheet of Prince Edward Island Mutual Insurance Company as at December 31, 2003, and the statements of earnings and cash flows for the year then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of the Company’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.
We conducted our audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform an audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatements. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation.
In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the Company as at December 31, 2003 and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles.
Grant Thornton LLP,
Chartered Accountants