Safety Tip

Fire Escape Planning


Fire Safety at Work and Home

Do you know what to do in case of a fire? Plan now — before it’s too late!

Fire Escape Planning at Work

Most workplaces use a fire alarm system to warn employees to evacuate the building or gather in a designated area. However, evacuation plans and fire reporting procedures can vary. Follow the posted emergency instructions to plan your escape!

If you need assistance evacuating in the event of a fire, inform your coworkers and ask for their help during fire drills.

Do not attempt to fight fires on your own. Use available emergency fire equipment only to extinguish small fires. Always prioritize your safety and call the fire department for help.

Important questions to know:

  • Where is the nearest fire extinguisher?
  • Where is the nearest fire alarm pull station?
  • Which exits are closest to your workstation?
  • Who is the fire emergency officer in your workplace?

REMEMBER: Reporting fire hazards can save lives. Take the time to do it!

Fire Escape Planning at Home

You can protect yourself and your family by preparing a home fire escape plan. It only takes a few minutes and can help prevent panic during an emergency. Here’s how to create your plan:

  • Draw a floor plan of your home showing every possible exit from each room. Ensure that every room has both a primary and an alternate exit.
  • Make sure your family knows to leave the house immediately if they hear the smoke alarm or someone shouts “fire!”
  • Designate a meeting place outside the home where everyone will gather after escaping. This ensures that you can account for everyone.
  • Have someone call the fire department once they have safely exited the building.
  • Send a family member to meet the firefighters when they arrive and provide any necessary information.
  • Never re-enter a burning building. Firefighters are specially trained and equipped for rescues.

Additional Safety Tips

  • In case of fire, always feel doors before opening them. If the door is hot, use an alternate exit.
  • Install and maintain smoke alarms on every floor of your home, and test them regularly. These alarms provide the extra warning time that can be the difference between life and death.
  • If you encounter smoke, crouch or crawl. The air closest to the floor will be the freshest. Practice your escape plan by crawling on your hands and knees.
  • If you live in an apartment building, follow the fire escape procedures provided by the building’s management.
  • Assign a partner to assist any family members who may need help evacuating during a fire.

Practice Your Escape Plan

Practice prevents panic! Children and others will be more likely to follow a fire drill if they have been prepared in advance. Ensure that every family member, including babysitters, knows your fire escape plan and is ready to act in an emergency.

Common Causes of Fire

  • Cooking with grease
  • Smoking
  • Faulty electrical systems (fuses, loose connections, shorts, or overloaded circuits)
  • Improper use of flammable liquids, grease, oil, and wax

For more information on fire escape planning at home or at work, contact your local fire department.

Contact PEI Mutual today for more information on how we can help protect you and your property.